Tuesday, May 19, 2009

This Present Darkness

It's all around me. Natural, given the fact its 2 am and I have been prematurely awakened from a mild slumber. A light cacophony of a television in the other room, and the incessant chatter of my keyboard are my only company. They give me no comfort, however. Each keystroke and obnoxious voice that rings through the bland background noise only adds to my annoyance. Why? I wonder sometimes...

My mind goes to bleak places in these times and my only real release is to write it out. To who? No one in particular, it's been my response to such things since I was young. I expect no one to read this, nor do I really desire it. The documentation of it is really the achievement I strive for. Again no purpose but for future musings and reflection of my own.

The annoying tapping of my keys and the occasional light howling of my fans are begging me to sleep, as if trying to soothe me, but offering no relief to my inability to do so. Instead my thoughts drift to the night and mischievous, some may say malicious contemplation. I don't have my knife tonight, leaving the wallet may be wise, but perhaps the knife would only cause more problems than it would be worth. Who stalks these streets at 2 am anyhow? A long walk may be in order, it used to soothe my mind in my teen years.

Late night/Early morning trespasses are definitely warranted. No phone, no car, nothing but myself and the quiet of the night.

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