Thursday, May 21, 2009

Terminator Salvation

"Ma'am do not be alarmed, but the key to my release lies beneath this pillow."
-Robert Downey Jr. in the Sherlock Holmes preview

Sad to say, probably the most entertaining part of my movie tonight, Terminator Salvation.

I won't go into specifics as perhaps I was expecting too much from this movie. I mean for fucks sake they cast Christian Bale as John Connor, I thought it was fool proof. Apparently not so much.

It felt like a drawn out, ADD plagued, grasping onto straws attempt at revamping the Terminator series after T3 was such utter crap. Don't get me wrong, speaking as a person who suffers from moderate ADD, the movie was decent and kept me enticed with explosions, guns, the possibility of rape in a futuristic wastleland and machines made out of bullet bikes (wat [yes I mean "wat"] the fuck?).

It felt like a 40 year old virgin idiot fest when people laughed and cheered at the 'clever one-liners' that have been recycled since the first movies in the series. Come on. "I'll be back." Are you fucking kidding me? Really? Fuck you, you'll be back, buddy. Eat a dick. AND PEOPLE WENT NUTS!? Fuck them too.

Yes sir, I don't have a lot of good to talk about this attempt -which I sincerely hope fails- of a cashing in on a once good story film. Fuck man.

I mean here it is, if you have followed the series like I have, for as long as you have known what Terminator was, then the movie is definitely a must see, unlike T3. But don't expect to emerge from this film with your intelligence un-insulted. It will make you feel dumb for expecting more from this dying dynasty.

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